
Saturday 8 April 2017

8.4.17 Vinoble 2018 Dates Announced; More Medals for Sherry

The X edition of the biennial fortified and sweet wine fair will take place in Jerez on 3rd – 5th June 2018. Setting dates is tricky as there are many other wine fairs in May and other events in Jerez itself, but this time the dates have been set early, allowing plenty of time for organisers and exhibitors to prepare. The council has recognised the importance of the fair to Sherry and to Jerez and wants to make a better job of it than last time.


The XIII Concurso Internacional de Vinos y Espirituosos (Premios CINVE) took place recently in Huelva, and an international panel of judges tasted over 650 samples from four continents. All the fortified wine winners were from Andalucia, including the following Sherries:

Francisco Yuste: Manzanilla Aurora: Gold
                              Manzanilla Señorita Irene: Silver
                              Manzanilla Las Medallas: Silver
González Byass: Pedro Ximénez VORS Noé: Gold
                              Fino Tio Pepe: Gold
                              Palo Cortado Leonor: Silver
Bodegas Fundador: Harveys Oloroso VORS: Silver

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