
Thursday 9 March 2017

9.3.17 Jerez Cooperatives Discuss Integration

The seven Jerez cooperatives held a meeting today to discuss joining forces to save money and become more profitable, an idea which has wide support. They were previously integrated under the banner of Aecovi but that went bust after three cooperatives left it, so the idea now is to be a bit less ambitious with a simpler, cheaper structure which reflects the diversity and individuality of each cooperative. One plan is to have a central buying office which would simplify grape or must purchasing by bodegas and the purchasing of vineyard products.

Grapes arrive at the cooperative presshouse (foto:diariodejerez)
With growth in Sherry, the cooperatives see this as a good moment to join forces, especially as they have enjoyed two vintages without overproduction, meaning all the wine has been sold and none is sitting around waiting for a customer - and payment. But the priority is to get the coops together before exploring other possibilities such as joining the super cooperative Dcoop, the largest producer of wine and olive oil in Spain, which the Virgen de Palomares cooperative of Trebujena joined recently, much to the surprise of many. Another avenue is the seasoning of butts for the spirits industry which could be very profitable.

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