
Monday 13 March 2017

13.3.17 Good Wine Tourism Figures for Jerez

The city council has announced that in 2016 403,490 people came to visit the city’s 15 bodegas which offer visits and around half of those visited González Byass, Europe’s most visited bodega. The encouraging figures show an annual increase of 11% which is five points above the Spanish average. Of these visitors, 53% were foreign, mostly German, British and French, and of the Spanish visitors the majority were from Madrid, Cataluña and Andalucía. Bodega visitors spent an average of 23 euros while visitors to the city spent between 30 and 75 euros not including accommodation. Total spend was over 9.2 million euros.

Tourists in a nocturnal visit to the great Domecq Mezquita bodega (foto:pascual/diariodejerez)
Half the visitors were aged between 45 and 65 years with a third being between 30 and 44. 70% were employed while 20% were retired. 55% came by car and 32% by plane using Jerez La Parra airport. 83% organised their trip themselves. 58% stayed in city hotels. The figures for the Ruta del Vino y Brandy will soon be available and its president, César Saldaña, expects these to have risen too as it is one of the most popular Rutas in the country. Jerez has many attractions, wine being the principal one, and the trade is becoming ever more professional in commercialising itself and integrating with nearly 100 other organisations to offer the maximum to the visitor.

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