
Saturday 4 February 2017

4.2.17 New Brandy Research Project; Ruiz Mateos Mansion for Sale

2.5 million euros has been awarded to a research and development project called “Bestbrandy”, the aim of which is look into factors which influence the quality of brandy and new methods of production from vineyard to bottle. The proponents are González Byass, Fundador, their jointly owned bodega Las Copas and Agrovin, an oenological goods and services company, who want to add value to brandy with the introduction of new technology in the vineyard, winemaking and wood ageing and maybe create a new unique spirit drink with growing international demand.


They will look at cultivation methods and possible new grape varieties which might be more suitable for spirit production, new methods of vinification and distillation, different yeast strains which might offer higher spirit yields, and factors influencing the spirit during ageing. Hopefully new and interesting aromatic profiles will be created. Allied to this worthwhile project are various other relevant research bodies including the University of Cádiz. Sales of Jerez brandy have been falling seriously, so this project is well timed.

Part of the Ruiz Mateos mansion

The mansion in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) where the Ruiz Mateos family lived for 40 years is on the market. The owner, BNP Paribas, who provided the mortgage to Ruiz Mateos, is looking for 3 million euros for the property which extends to 1,700 square metres in a plot of 6,871. Here there are the offices which they used during the “glory days” of Rumasa and Nueva Rumasa, and accommodation for the entire family. A large pool, garage and chapel are also part of the enormous complex once valued at 10 million euros. The reason for the family’s departure are hotly debated: some say they feared reprisals from those they had defrauded of 290 million euros, and the family say it was simple economics, it was too expensive to run. 

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