
Friday 27 January 2017

27.1.17 Guia Peñín Team Captivated by Sherry

The Guia Peñín team feel that Sherry is getting even better and speak of it in reverential tones. After the first of two days of tasting high marks have already been awarded to Sherry, which already has the best average Peñín score of over 90 and has done for the past decade. Team leader and director of Peñín, Carlos González, feels that the quality of Sherry is still improving and that is reflected in the higher marks awarded. He says that it is beyond doubt that Sherry for its difference and its sheer quality is totally unique. “It would be very hard to find a region so different and with such a high level of quality” he said, “its soul and magic are incomparable”. He went on to say that “we are aware of the mini-revolution Sherry is undergoing in the search for differentiation between the pagos” and he is encouraging the big bodegas of the region to follow the path already taken by small, young producers because “these wines need to be bottled”. Scores and tasting notes will not be available till the next edition of the Guide is published.

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