
Friday 11 November 2016

11.11.16 Consejo & Fedejerez Reject Independent Sanlúcar Consejo

Yesterday’s news that the Association of Artisan Bodegas had asked the town council of Sanlúcar to conduct a viability study on an independent Consejo was not well received in Jerez. Both the Consejo and Fedejerez emphatically rejected the idea and stressed that the Artisan bodegas are only a minority representing 25% of Manzanilla and 5% of Sherry overall, and that neither they nor the town council have the authority to set up a new Consejo.


They continued that any secession would need the agreement of all the bodegas and growers of Sanlúcar and the process would have to go through official channels, not the town council. Fedejerez president, Evaristo Babé suggested that the three Artisan bodegas should leave the DO if they didn’t agree with its rules. He said that this BIB saga was unfortunate and prejudicial to Sherry’s reputation, and if it continues like this there is the possibility of expulsion from the DO. He said that the rebels should be better informed before they announce legally unviable plans and pay attention to the harm they are doing to the DO.

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