
Monday 24 October 2016

Bodegas: Jorge Thuillier

Englishman George Thuillier Burrow left his home of Exeter (Devon) leaving behind his family and starting another in El Puerto de Santa María with his lover, Ann Bradshaw whom he married in Spain and with whom he had six children. He worked in banking and exchange briefly, but was soon drawn to the wine business.

It is not known whether he bought a bodega established in 1840 or established it himself in that year, but 1840 was always given as the year of foundation of the bodega situated in the Campo de Guia area. He chose to make high quality wines and won medals for them in Madrid (1857) and in Paris (1878) while exporting principally to England and the English speaking world.

These two hunks are the legendary bullfighters Joselito "El Gallo" and Juan Belmonte

On George’s death, probably in the 1880s, he was buried in the English cemetery which existed then on the road to Jerez.  His son Edward, then 29 years old, took over the bodegas changing their name to his own. There were also wines sold briefly under the name of Edward’s brother Augusto Thuillier. Edward lived with his family in a beautiful XVII century house in C/Palacios, 59. He was an educated and cultivated man with interests in the arts and learning.

Note St. George, patron saint of England

When he died in 1903 he left a house and bodega in C/Zarza, an estate, vineyards in the pago Rincones, more land in the pago de la Laja - and box number six at the Teatro Principal! Edward’s son, Jorge Thuillier Solares, took over the business and all went well till the Spanish Civil War, when he invested huge amounts in Republican War Bonds. Franco’s victory in 1939 rendered them worthless and he was forced to liquidate the business, but he did retain the brand names and the house which are still in family hands. Among their brands were: Amontillado Fino Los 2 Gallos and Quina Verdad.

1 comment:

  1. You could, indeed should, have pointed out that the Dos Gallos brand was so named for two of the greatest professional bullfighters who ever lived, Joselito 'El Gallo' and Juan Belmonte, both pictured on the label.
