
Saturday 22 October 2016

22.10.16 Latest on Strike

Fedejerez has declined to negotiate further in the row over the Convenio de la Vid “while violence continues at the gates of the production centres.” The meeting scheduled for midday yesterday has been postponed indefinitely, and the bodegas’ representative body described it as “intolerable” that the rights of those who wished to work – in their estimation some 90% - were not being respected. They cited slashed and punctured tyres and damage to the bodywork of the cars of workers, mostly from administration departments. They also condemned the number of pickets “who don’t even work in the Sherry trade” and who are professional troublemakers.

Evaristo Babe (

Fedejerez president, Evaristo Babé said that negotiations cannot be conducted like this in the XXI century and that it is unjustifiable that such narrow points of difference are enough to provoke a strike. He pointed out the damage the strike is doing to Sherry which is only now showing signs of recovery after a long crisis with customer orders delayed, Sherry’s image tarnished and potential investment risked. According to what the Diario de Jerez has been able to learn, each striking worker has lost between 300-400 euros of pay, but the losses to the companies are much greater. Workers in Jerez are actually better paid than those in some wine regions, though the strike is not about salary so much as bonuses.

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