
Wednesday 14 September 2016

14.9.16 Premios Solera; Harvest Figures; Great Sherry Tasting

The best wine lists which promote Sherry are to be rewarded in a new initiative by Pepe Monforte of gastronomic blog Cosas de Comé and the Consejo Regulador. As well as the best wine list, there will be prizes for the best bar, the best wine shop and the person who has done most for Sherry and the wines of Cádiz during the course of the year. The announcement was made yesterday at the Consejo bodega San Ginés by Pepe Monforte, César Saldaña and Rafael Navas of Diario de Jerez. There will only be one prize per category but the ten runners-up will receive mentions of honour. A hundred experts in the field wine and gastronomy will be asked to vote by secret ballot.

Rafael Navas, Cesar saldan and Pepe Monforte (foto:diariodejerez)

“Sherry and the wines of Cádiz are featuring more and more on wine lists, and some young restaurateurs are even putting them at the top of their lists, and we thought we should encourage them,” said Pepe Monforte. César Saldaña said that the lack of this had long been a bugbear but that it is now fashionable to include Sherry on the list. “Let us hope this becomes the rule rather than the exception.”

Below are the Consejo figures for grapes picked up to close of play yesterday. The inland vineyards are all but finished, with only a few coastal vineyards still working.

The annual Great Sherry Tasting took place in London on Monday. Nearly 200 wines from nearly 30 bodegas were present as was Consejo president Beltrán Domecq who gave masterclasses. He said that Sherry is successfully gaining the respect of chefs and sommeliers and earning a place on their wine lists. Promoting Sherry as an ideal accompaniment to food has been very successful, and Fiona Becket hosted a masterclass on the subject. Now that the trade is convinced, there is a need to get the general public involved, and hopefully the restaurant trade will be instrumental in this.

Beltran Domecq and Patricia de la Puerta thank Graham Hines for his work for Sherry (foto:drinks business)

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