
Saturday 13 August 2016

Oloroso 18%, Bodegas Blanca Reyes

Walnut tinted mahogany to amber at the rim with coppery glints, legs.
Fresh and very clean with hints of walnut, dried fruits and nuts, autumn leaves and a trace of oak barrels. It has an attractive roundness and completeness, properly mature without any rough edges.
Fairly full bodied and nutty but well rounded by glycerine, traces of wood only and a slight tobacco note. There is a seriousness and depth here but also lots of charm and good length.
Blanca Reyes is a small family bodega founded in 1884 in Jerez which ought to be better known as they are lovely people and have a good product, much of which is sold at the despacho or in bulk to bars and restaurants. This Oloroso has some 15 years of solera age and is very attractive and very reasonably priced.
7.95 euros ex bodega

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