
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Fino Jarana 15%, Emilio Lustau

Paleish almost lemony straw with golden highlights, legs.
Very fresh with a hint of straw, floral almost herbal notes of camomile and gentle flor. There is an apple note as well and there is a certain vivacity about the wine, yet in the background there is a slight savoury almost autolytic hint adding complexity. This wine is certainly not short of character.
Decent acidity lends a zestfulness to carry through the very slightly bitter herbal character. It is bone dry, fairly light and quite elegant with a remarkably clean finish. This really gets the taste buds looking for some ham!
Lustau is the only Sherry firm to make Finos in all three towns of the Sherry Triangle: Manzanilla Papirusa in Sanlucar, Puerto Fino in El Puerto, and Jarana in Jerez, and it is interesting and instructive to compare them. This Jerezano is aged for about 4 years in a huge solera in the Calle Arcos.
10.50 euros, widely available

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