
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Amontillado 17.5%, Bodegas Blanca reyes

Amber with gold and copper highlights, legs.
Very attractive mix of hazelnuts and dried fruits, youngish but beginning to show those delightfully aromatic Amontillado characteristics of toasted nuts in caramel (garrapiñadas) and a trace of oak, yet without completely losing background traces of Fino. There is a definite charm here.
Smooth and tasty on entry then some crispness comes through bringing with it lots of toasted nuts and a slight glyceric sweetness, traces of vanilla from American oak and a gentle balancing tang of acidity. There is a trace of residual sugar, less than 5 g/l which is very little but it does give the wine a desirable roundness which makes it (too) easy to drink.
This wine has an average age of 10 years, roughly five biological and five oxidative which is not a great age for an Amontillado, but it is delicious now. This small family bodega makes good wines for a very good price and needs to be better known. At the moment nearly all their wine is sold locally, mainly to the bar and restaurant trade.
7.95 ex bodega

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