
Wednesday 27 July 2016

27.7.16 Masterchef Winner Visits Consejo

Masterchef winner, Virginia Naranjo and her twin sister Raquel, also a finalist, visited the Consejo yesterday, signed the book of honour and enjoyed a glass of Sherry with president Beltrán Domecq and director César Saldaña. César wanted to publicly thank the girls, both from Jerez, for their promotion of Jerez products during the televised competition. He said “we are very grateful to you for promoting our products as we were sure you would, but as we watched the competition our hearts jumped and filled with pride on the many occasions you mentioned them.”

Raquel (L), Virginia and Beltran Domecq (foto:diariojerez)

Beltrán also expressed his gratitude, “an objective of the Consejo is to integrate our wines with gastronomy for which we are very grateful for your participation.” Raquel wants to work with the Consejo in promoting the products of Jerez “because we are proud to be from Jerez.” While Virginia, who has already published a cookery book, said “we are very proud and grateful for this recognition by the Consejo, it is a great institution, Sherry’s head office.”

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