
Thursday 2 June 2016

Palo Cortado 12 Years Old 18%, Bertola

Quite deep walnut tinged mahogany with copper tints fading to amber at the rim legs.
Attractive, open and full of toasted almond and some walnut. There are traces of American oak, dried orange peel, cinnamon and a hint of polished furniture. It is really quite complex for its age.
Full bodied and generous with a perfect balance of phenolics to glycerol, so it is well rounded and not tannic with a well defined predominantly nutty character. It is a serious wine but still has charm with those warm spice and oak flavours and has a long clean finish.
The Bertola wines, part of Diez Merito, deserve better distribution as they are really very good and this Palo Cortado is very good value for money.
10.00 euros from Licores Corredera

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