
Monday 20 June 2016

Harveys Fine Old Amontillado VORS 19%, Harveys

Brigt amber with coppery highlights to a trace of green at the rim, legs.
Quite intense yet very refined and very pure Amontillado with lots of nuts, toasted notes from the oak as well as aromas of the wood itself. The nose really grows and the wine is old enough for all its complexities to have harmonised into a bouquet. Very fine.
Fuller-bodied than the colour would suggest, it is good and dry but there is enough glycerine to round it off. For its age the wine is not particularly tannic, but it is elegant. A serious wine, with delicious and complex oak and nut flavours and a hint of volatile acidity which linger on the palate for ages.
Winner of the 2016 International Wine Challenge Champion's Trophy and best wine in the show, this excellent wine comes from Macharnudo grapes and is aged in a 1904 solera nurtured by oenologist Manuel José Valcárcel. It is great to see Harveys better Sherries out there as their VORS are superb. It is not all Bristol Cream! Let's hope Fundador's new owners make the most of the Sherries.
Around £ 30 per 50 cl bottle

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