
Sunday 12 June 2016

Bodegas: Gran Mariscal Siglo XVIII SL

When the Marqués de Villapanés ordered the construction of his Palacio de Villapanés in the barrio San Miguel in central Jerez in the 1760s he built various outbuildings close by such as stables. One of those outbuildings, which now forms part of the Calle Cazón, 50 metres from the Palacio, is a lovely vaulted space which was converted into a very attractive if unusual bodega at the beginning of the XX century.

 It has an excellent microclimate for the production of good Sherry and has a pretty patio. For many years it was run by the almacenista Juan Vega Pérez. In 1998 it was bought from him in a very poor state by Antonio Mariscal Domínguez who brought 28 years of experience at Rumasa’s Bodegas Internacionales and who continued to run the bodega in an artisan way. After sorting out the bodega and its 670 butts, he started off selling Manzanilla – the controversial “El 69” - then the other styles as well, both in bulk and in bottle. There was a separate bottling plant. While Antonio had his own brands it was rare to see them in shops.

In 2001 the firm suffered a huge organised fraud to the tune of 18,000 bottles with a value of around € 72,000. Luckily the Civil Guard caught the offenders and Antonio survived. But not for very long. As the crisis hit, Gran Mariscal was one of those which did not survive. The firm was still going in 2007 but the doors are now closed and sadly there seems to have been no activity in recent years.

Amontillado “Muy Viejo,” PX “Borboreo” (the gypsy Word for Jerez) and Oloroso Viejísimo “Monte Alto”
They also produced 4 brandies (Reliquia 1784, Solera 1942, Gran Mariscal and Borboreo) and a vinegar from a 40 year old, 65 butt solera called Sueño Andaluz.

Address: Calle Cazón, 9, 11402 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz

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