
Friday 17 June 2016

17.6.16 Junta Upholds BIB Appeal; Sanlúcar Gin; Yodo en Rama

The technical department of the Junta’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Council has found in favour of the appeal of the artisan Manzanilla producers against the Consejo’s refusal to allow BIB. This, according to a communiqué from the Association of Artisan Manzanilla Producers, is the Junta’s response to the “unjust and unreasonable conduct of the Consejo Regulador” in denying the registration of labels and the issuing of precintas (official DO seals)as demanded by the regulations of the Denominación de Origen.

The Manzanilleros understand that with this resolution “it can only be concluded that as of today, the indirect sale (in horeca) of BIB is a perfectly legal practice which complies with the rulings of the Consejo itself.” They complained of the “continual disdain, insults and attempts to discredit them from those who seem to consider themselves, without any right, defenders of a false conservatism which has only served to continue the loss of bodegas and vineyards in the area.” They allude to the “errors” of those who during recent decades have managed to bring about the loss of “thousands of jobs” and “made Sherry one of the cheapest wines in the world”.

The association has “always” maintained that it “did not” try to market Manzanilla “outwith the rules of the game” and that time has shown that BIB did fit with the Consejo rules, and furthermore “there was market demand for it.” Once again the Association is “making a call for the dialogue which the trade needs” and that way,” break the outdated mould and open the doors to new ideas which cannot just be seen on the horizon, but are already a reality.” Finally, the association asserts that a product’s “image of quality should be in the contents, not the container.”

Luciferi is a new gin recently launched by Roberto Payá. What makes it different is the fact that many botanicals are collected in the Coto Doñana, such as wild rosemary, lavender, myrtle and lentiscus, to which he has added juniper, angelica, coriander, orange blossom, cardamom, orange peel, lime and mandarin. Sounds amazing! The name refers to the Templo de Lucero, a very early building in Sanlúcar which features in the town’s coat of arms.

Yodo en Rama is a new Fino specially created for Michelin starred Restaurante Aponiente in El Puerto. It was the last project of the greatly missed Manuel Lozano of Lustau, who selected the ideal butt with Juan Ruiz Henestrosa, sommelier of the restaurant owned by chef, Ángel León. Only 1,000 50cl bottles were filled from this first batch and Ángel León is sending a sample to all the Michelin starred restaurants in Spain to encourage them to promote Finos of this quality. Yodo translates as “iodine” an important nutrient which is found mainly in seaweed, and which of course is served in Aponiente, a converted tide mill, by the “chef del mar” (chef of the sea), Ángel León.

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