
Wednesday 15 June 2016

15.6.16 Sherry and Cork; MW Exam Sherry, Decanter Awards

On Monday a meeting took place at the Consejo’s Bodega San Ginés between the Jerez cork stopper producer Torrent Miranda, APOM (the association of sustainable forest owners) and representatives of the leading bodegas. Titled “Sustainability and Excellence in the Wines of Jerez”, the meeting was organised by the PEFC (the Spanish association for forest sustainability which certifies cork – as well as wood for barrels and wood derivatives), the Consejo and Torrent Miranda.

The latter’s managing director, Alfonso de la Calle pointed out that 71% of seals are cork because it is the best seal, not only for its suitability for the job, but for its ecological and environmental value, and that certified cork is much in demand for premium products. Ana Belén Noriega, PEFC general director praised the efforts of Andalusian producers who have 64,600 hectares of sustainable forest, 35,000 of those in Cádiz. Referring to its ecological value, she said that the production of one cork absorbed 234 grams of CO2 and that the bodegas should choose PEFC certified cork as a part of their drive for sustainability, especially locally produced cork.

The Institute of Masters of Wine examinations took place recently, and the chosen Sherry in the tasting papers, which consist of 36 wines over 3 papers was Cayetano del Pino’s Palo Cortado Solera. This is an excellent Sherry and a classic Palo Cortado, so let's hope they got it right!

Respected wine magazine Decanter has published the results of its Decanter World Wine Awards. Listed below are the top scoring Sherries. I have stuck to Best in Show, Platinum and Gold awards because of the number of wines involved. A total of 98 Sherries won Commended, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and best in Show. A huge panel of judges included Masters of Wine and Master Sommeliers.

Best in Show
Fino Tres Palmas, González Byass

Oloroso VORS, Lustau
Palo Cortado VORS, Lustau
Pedro Ximénez VORS, Lustau

Oloroso Añada 1986 Hidalgo La Gitana
Faraón Oloroso VORS, Hidalgo la Gitana
Pedro Ximénez Triana VORS, Hidalgo La Gitana
Wellington Palo Cortado VORS, Hidalgo La Gitana
Manzanilla Pasada Pastrana, Hidalgo La Gitana
Amontillado Cuatro Palmas, González Byass
Amontillado del Duque VORS, González Byass
Fino Dos Palmas, González Byass
Leonor Palo Cortado, González Byass
Matúsalem Cream VORS, González Byass
Noé Pedro Ximénez, González Byass
Palo Cortado Añada 1987, González Byass
Fino Inocente, Valdespino

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