
Saturday 7 May 2016

Mons Urium Cream 18%, Bodegas Urium

Quite deep chestnut brown with a trace of burnt umber and coppery tints, legs
Serious, savoury almost umami hints are followed by aromas of pasas which do not dominate the Oloroso, it is comparatively dry on the nose but quite deep with traces of cinnamon, walnut and almonds cooked in caramel (garrapiñadas) and a lovely smell of bodega.
Fairly sweet at the start but the PX doesn't obscure the Oloroso - the proportions are just right. There is a gentle tang which helps with balance and it is not too sweet. The savoury note remains and makes an interesting counterpoint to the sweetness. At the end the palate is left with lingering flavour rather than cloying sweetness.
This is a delicious "proper" Cream Sherry made with properly aged wines. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a solera blend. It is somewhere about 15 years old with around 20% PX.
The bottle shown here is the standard 75cl, but the one I got at the bodega was a 50cl at 8.70 euros so scaling it up would give a price of about 13 euros. Available in the UK from Sherry Boutique.

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