
Monday 9 May 2016

9.5.16 Torrential Rain; New Delgado Zuleta Website

After serious worries about drought this year, the rain has arrived with a vengeance. Sixteen litres per square metre per hour fell on Jerez and much of the province of Cádiz yesterday causing flooding which made susceptible streets impassable. The fire brigade was called out on numerous occasions, and winds of 65 km/hour did not help. The ferry service between Cádiz, El Puerto and Rota was suspended. Luckily the worst of the rain came towards the end of the Feria del Caballo when it was quieter.

Bodegas Delgado Zuleta, the oldest Bodega in Sanlúcar (1744) have launched a re-vamped website and online shop which has been optimised for the latest mobiles and tablets as well as computers. Have a look, the firm makes some stunning wines:

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