
Sunday 22 May 2016

22.5.16 Amazing Parker Scores for Sherry

New Sherry releases are among those which have achieved amazing scores from Luís Gutiérrez, Robert Parker’s Spanish expert. Since his arrival in recent years Spanish wines have featured more prominently in the Wine Advocate, and especially Sherry. 90 points or more qualifies a wine as “Excellent” and in the latest issue there is a long list of high-scoring Sherries, 48 in fact with over 90 points. He scored many wines from Cádiz highly, but I've only listed the Sherries here. These results really show that the Sherries and table wines of the province are heading in the right direction.

The two highest scoring wines come from the bodega Manuel Aragón “El Sanatorio” in Chiclana, bottled for Equipo Navazos. They may not technically be Sherry but they are every bit as good as the scores demonstrate. La Bota de Oloroso 63 “Bota No” (easily 80-90 years old) scored 99 points while La Bota de Palo Cortado 62 “Diez Años Después“ (well over 50 years old) scored  98 points. This is the first time a bodega in Chiclana has ever achieved scores like this.

Here are some highlights:
Williams & Humbert scored well with their superb newly released Añadas. The Fino de Añada 2009 scored 93 points, the Amontillado de Añada 2003 scored 92 and the Oloroso de Añada 2003 scored 91. Dry Sack 15 Years Old scored 90 points.The Blanco brothers of Viña la Callejuela did very well: Amontillado La Casilla scored 94, Callejuela Amontillado 91, Manzanilla Madura 90, Manzanilla Blanquito 91, Oloroso El Cerro 93 and Callejuela Pedro Ximénez 93. González Byass got high scores for Cuatro Palmas 97, Tres Palmas 93, Dos Palmas 93, Una Palma 92 and the Palo Cortado de Añada 1987 scored 97 while Tio pepe en rama scored 91. And the tiny bodega of Conde de Peraleja got 93 for their Salto al Cielo Oloroso 1/5 and 93 for the Salto al Cielo Pedro Ximénez 1/5.

Other outstanding scores are as follows:
Barbadillo Manzanilla Pasada en rama Pastora 93, Solear en rama Invierno 2015 94
Luís Pérez Fino La Barajuela 93, Oloroso La Barajuela 91
Cayetano del Pino Palo Cortado Solera 93, Palo Cortado Viejísimo 1/5 95
Delgado Zuleta Manzanilla Barbiana en rama 91
Faustino González Oloroso en rama Cruz Vieja 91, Palo Cortado en rama Cruz Vieja 92
Hidalgo La Gitana Cream Napoleón 93
Emilio Hidalgo Pedro Ximénez Inédito 96
La Guita Manzanilla en rama 93
Juan Piñero Amontillado 91, Amontillado VORS 92, Oloroso 90, Oloroso VORS 94, Manzanilla Pasada Maruja 94, Palo Cortado 92
Sacristía AB Amontillado 93, Oloroso 91, Manzanilla 1ª saca 2015 91
Sánchez Romate Amontillado Olvidado 1/5 93, Fino Perdido 1/15 92
Tradición CZ Cream VOS 92, Fino Viejo 93, Palo Cortado VORS 96
Viniberia Pedro’s Almacenista Selection (PAS) Fino 90+, PAS Oloroso 92, PAS Palo Cortado 91

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