
Saturday 9 April 2016

Moscatel Pasas 15%, César Florido

Deep transparent walnut mahogany to amber at the rim, legs.
Intense aroma of sun dried Moscatel grapes exactly as they smell as they arrive at the bodega after sunning, obvious sweetness with notes of Earl Grey tea, dried figs and dates and that characteristic Moscatel grapiness with a hint of citrus. On top of that there are aromas of crianza, the open texture, concentration and oxidation from long wood ageing.
Full, viscous and richly textured grape pulp beautifully balanced with gentle refreshing acidity giving an attractive tang which also balances out the oxidative and slight caramel notes. This is deeply flavoured and voluptuous, long years of ageing having added complexity and the alcoholic strength is just right. It is difficult to put down the glass.
Made from super ripe Moscatel grapes which are sunned for between two and three weeks on the open coastal sand in an area called the "pasil" during which time they lose nearly 70% of their water giving immense concentration of flavour and richness in natural sugars. Fermentation is allowed up to a point before the wine is fortified and then aged in solera for about 8 years. Moscatel de pasas is the most complex type of Moscatel and the most expensive to produce given the incredibly low yields, in a similar way to PX, but has its own really characteristic flavour. This is THE Moscatel from the best bodega, and it is in demand from other bodegas to supply their soleras.
About 17 euros

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