
Wednesday 20 April 2016

20.4.16 Yuste BIB; Osborne Beer; Feria de la Manzanilla

It was inevitably going to ruffle feathers. Recently Bodegas Yuste won a gold medal at Toulouse for the quality of its Manzanilla Pasada in a 10 litre BIB. The Consejo intends to denounce it as the precintas (DO seals) on the box had been issued for glass garrafas, the only legal container for bulk wine. The Manzanilla rebels had applied for suitable precintas, as BIBs come in different capacities to garrafas, but had been denied as BIB is seen by the Consejo as illegal. Also disliked was Yuste’s promotion of the prize, which was seen as distancing even further the positions of the rebels and the Consejo and Fedejerez.

The famous BIB. You can see 2 precintas have been used (foto:barramedia)

Osborne has teamed up with Premium Beers of Spain to produce a beer aged with Sherry wood. Toro is a premium artisan beer, full bodied with a deep copper colour and a strength of 5.5ᴼ. Notes of Sherry wood can be detected in both the aroma and flavour. Osborne has licensed the name “Toro” to the brewers, something it has also done with fashion items and gourmet products. It is interesting to note that this is not Osborne’s first connection with beer; they founded Cruz Campo in Sevilla in 1904 (now owned by heineken).

The 2016 Feria de la Mnazanilla will take place from 24-29 May. The mayor, Víctor Mora, various officials and the creator of this year’s poster, photographer Emilio mayolín announced the launch today. It is the first time in over 40 years that the poster has not been a painting.

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