
Thursday 14 April 2016

14.4.16 Consejo Watching For BIB at Ferias

At last year’s Feria del Caballo in Jerez, Seprona, a division of the Civil Guard detected fake Manzanilla in BIB during their “operación resaca” (operation hangover!). The product was a poor imitation and its source was found and sealed off. But this year the trade has detected more fakes which illegally use the word “Manzanilla” or allude to the genuine article such as “MZ”.

"Even if it's wet and windy every day, I'm going to all the ferias in Andalucia! (Peri/diariojerez)

During the feria season, when sales of Fino and Manzanilla hit their peak, the fakers will be out in force and the trade faces two forms of fake: the sort mentioned already and the genuine Manzanilla in illegal BIB. The Consejo is worried and is alerting Feria-goers and those in charge of casetas to the risk, advising them only to buy wine in bottle and check it has a DO seal.

Casetas at the feria (

Until the Junta resolves the BIB situation it is still in legal limbo, while also awaiting a decision is the modification to the regulations approved by the Consejo, precisely to try to avoid this problem. However until the Junta comes up with a definitive decision, the BIBs will continue to be sold without DO seals and the Consejo will continue to denounce them.

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