
Thursday 10 March 2016

10.3.16 Díez Mérito to Move Production Plant; I Andaluz Cork Forum

The Espinosa family, new owners of Díez Mérito, plan to move the production plant which contains the bottling equipment, offices etc. from the Morabita road to the Viña El Diablo on the N IV road at the Jerez turnoff. The name El Diablo was changed by Rumasa to Viña San Patricio. A year ago Grupo Paternina sold the plant to the Tevasa cooperage (which produces Sherry seasoned casks for the Macallan) and rented it back until they could find a buyer for the bodegas. The rental agreement was extended to the new owners of Díez Mérito but without a renewal clause. Tevasa intend to move from their present outdated premises in Las Pachecas to those on the Morabita road, which they intend to modernise due to increased demand for Sherry casks, within two years.

Current production plant (foto:diariodejerez)

Today the González Byass bodegas in Jerez are hosting the I Andaluz Cork Forum sponsored by the Jaime González Gordon Foundation, which recently published an illustrated dictionary of cork, and the Friends of the Alcornocales Park association. The intention is to promote cork and at the same time protect the Alcornocales natural park where much cork is grown. Cork has many industrial uses but most of it is still used for sealing wine bottles, despite stiff competition from synthetic cork producers. For this reason it is considered necessary, indeed urgent, to promote the cork industry and its totally natural sustainable product which is recyclable, renewable and non-polluting and which provides employment and contributes to biodiversity.

Cork harvest in Alcornocales (foto:diariodejerez)

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