
Wednesday 3 February 2016

3.2.16 Graham Hines Retires

A delightful man, Graham was director of the Sherry Institute in the UK for 21 years and a past director of Wines from Spain in London. He is a member of the Gran Orden de los Caballeros del Vino and a Sherry Educator. Consejo president Beltrán Domecq sent his best wishes while recognising and thanking him for his significant contribution to the promotion of Sherry in Britain, one of its principal markets. He said “The last 8 years have been decisive in the recovery of Sherry in Britain and it has been an honour to count on Graham to preside over such an important period in our history. Under his direction we have achieved a more solid position in the market with a record number of importers and bodegas represented as well as a growing number of styles of Sherry hitherto not so well known there.”

Beltran Domecq and Graham Hines with proper Sherry glasses

For his part Graham said that “With mixed feelings I decided to retire after a challenging, but at the same time gratifying, period in which I dedicated myself entirely to Sherry. I shall continue to follow its from close by and wish it great success in the future.” Angeline Bayly, who will take over Graham’s role, said “It has been a privilege to work with him for the last 7 years during which we have done much promotional activity, and I am grateful to him for all I have learned. We will miss his extraordinary knowledge but I am convinced that we can count on a fascinating and innovative campaign during 2016 based on the projects on which Graham worked so hard.” Angeline, who is the director of Bespoke Drinks Media, will take over Graham’s role as of now.

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