
Saturday 30 January 2016

30.1.16 Williams & Humbert Hosts Debate on Tartessos; Mauricio González Gordon Wins Award

Williams & Humbert's bodegas were the spectacular scene of the presentation of a new book on Thursday evening. “Legends of Tartessos” by Manuel Pimentel attracted over 250 people to hear about this fascinating subject, and he was introduced by the director of the bodega, Jesús Medina García de Polavieja. The audience, which included Beltrán Domecq, Evaristo Babé and many academics, enjoyed a glass of W&H Sherry at the end of the presentation.

Tartessos was a semi-mythical city-civilisation at the mouth of the Guadalquivir somewhere near modern Sanlúcar, and some believe it could be Atlantis. Various archaeological remains from the late Bronze Age have been found in the area and it seems Tartessos had its own language, making its living from metal and trading with the Phoenicians. There are various references to it in classical literature, especially Herodotus. It is perfectly possible, indeed probable, that the city disappeared under sand or marshes as a result of a tsunami, as did Atlantis.

Mauricio receives award from Rami Aboukhair of Santander

President of González Byass, Mauricio González Gordon, yesterday received the II Prize for Agroalimentary Innovation, awarded by publishing group Grupo Joly and sponsored by Banco Santander. The prize was awarded in recognition of the firm’s values of respect for family tradition, quality and innovation which have characterised it for 180 years, as well as for its inspiring example to other firms in Andalucía. Some 300 people from the worlds of business, banking, politics and agriculture attended the event.

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