
Tuesday 26 January 2016

26.1.16 Consejo Meeting; Peñín Tasting

It is all happening today at the Consejo Regulador. Firstly there is a plenary meeting to discuss the proposal of Fedejerez to make the text of the regulations clearer regarding the sale of Sherry in bulk: section H4 “Etiquetado y Envasado” (Labelling and Containers) to be precise. The plenary will also look at starting the process of calling Consejo elections which will take place in spring.

Secondly the tasting team from Spain’s number one wine guide Guía Peñín have arrived to set up for their tasting tomorrow of Sherry for the 2017 edition. They tend to start the annual tastings in Jerez, perhaps as an aperitif for the more than 11,000 wines from nearly 70 DOs which they taste each year. Interestingly Sherry was the DO with the highest average score in last year’s guide at 91.67.

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