
Friday 15 January 2016

15.1.16 Yuste Re-launches Pedro Romero Brands

Francisco Yuste, Sanlúcar businessman and owner of Bodegas Francisco Yuste, bought much of the wine at Bodegas Pedro Romero after it went bust. He has spent months organising things and is now re-launching some famous old brands: Manzanilla Aurora and the brandies Pedro I and Punto Azul. Interestingly, Francisco's wife and daughter are both called Aurora. The Punto Azul comes in two versions: Prestige and Heritage aged for 50 and 80 years respectively. During the next six months Yuste also plans to release some VORS wines from the pre-phylloxera soleras of the Conde de Aldama. This is fantastic news!

1 comment:

  1. It is fantastic news indeed! Hopefully he'll move the precious soleras to Los Angeles and cease using the bodega as a discoteca...
