
Sunday 13 December 2015

Sylvia Plath was a Sherry Fan

The great American poet Sylvia Plath loved Sherry. Born in Massachusetts in 1932, she died at her own hand in 1963 after suffering from depression and a difficult marriage to the famous English poet Ted Hughes. She is best known for her collections The Colossus and Ariel, though she also wrote short stories and a novel.

Sylvia Plath ( Thanks also to JL Jimenez

There are many references to Sherry in her work and journals. At a New Year party she enjoyed an “immense amount of sweet Sherry” and on another occasion she said “I drink Sherry by myself because I like it and I get the sensuous feeling of indulgence… luxury, bliss, erotic-tinged.” Sherry was also enjoyed with literary guests: “We drink Sherry in the garden and read poems”.

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