
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Moscatel Esnobista 16%, Bodegas Dios Baco

Deep browny mahogany fading to yellow, pronounced legs.
Attractive with hints of american oak then deeply fruity well-sunned pasas, you can smell the dried grapes as they go to the press, lots of Moscatel raisin and a touch of caramel. Full and quite concentrated yet it has a luscious grapey freshness. There is a slight burnt toasty note from the oak and a hint of turrón de yema tostada, all balancing out.
Full, ripe and mature with a gentle tang and that burnt toasty note keeping the lusciousness under control. Lovely texture and not over sweet with good length. A very good Moscatel.
This is a "Moscatel de Pasas" meaning it is made from sunned grapes - as opposed to just overripe grapes - and they grew in Chipiona, Sherry's moscatel country. The solera is over 35 years old and the wine is over 12. The word "Esnobista" means "snobbish" or a person who thinks they are better than they really are. This wine is excellent, however. Interestingly the word "snob" comes from the Latin. In Rome when they registered people as living in the locality they added their status or nobility. If the person had none, they would write "sine nobilitas" or s.nob. for short. Now you know!
10.70 Euros. Not available in UK, but online deli has some of the range, and might be persuaded?

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