
Thursday 24 December 2015

La Bota de Amontillado 58 "Navazos" 18.5%, Equipo Navazos

Bright light amber with honeyed gold highlights and light legs.
Delightful and interesting. Exciting and young for its age. Hints of salted caramel and oak combine with the slightest traces of flor and iodine savouriness, nuts and rope from a fishing boat and a racy tang. Even after 22 years the Manzanilla shines through, it is only just Amontillado. This is lovely.
Super fresh and tangy, quite light with light and gentle Amontillado oxidative notes rounding off the pronounced crispness of the Manzanilla. Clean, intense flavour which just goes on and on. Lively, vibrant and zippy it just begs for some jamon de bellota and another Sherry fan to rave about it with.
Despite La Guita only selling one wine, they have older wines in the bodega. Some are in Calle Misericordia but others are in their other bodega on the Carretera de Jerez, marked according to the number of butts they consist of. In Sanlucar, they refer to the wine as Manzanilla or Manzanilla pasada until it is really old before calling it Amontillado. So La Guita has a solera of Manzanilla Pasada, Manzanilla Pasada Vieja (1/10) and Manzanilla Pasada Viejisima (1/3). This wine comes from the solera 1/10 which is refreshed with unfortified Manzanilla and is about 22 years old, reflected in the comparatively modest alcohol strength. The wine was selected from the butts which showed the most balance and elegance considering its age. 95 Penin Points
37 Euros in Spain. In UK try Alliance

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