
Tuesday 22 September 2015

22.9.15 Ruiz Mateos Will Embargoed, Paternity Suit

A High Court judge, José de la Mata, has placed an embargo on the inheritance from their father to six of his sons who are facing charges in the “Nueva Rumasa Case”. He has ordered the notary to send him a copy of the will as soon as it is opened. With this cautionary measure the judge is seeking to protect the interests of 4,110 investors in Nueva Rumasa whose shares are worthless. Not only have the six not yet paid €30 million bail, but the court is suspicious that those not already in jail are enjoying the use of property related to Nueva Rumasa companies in an attempt to hide its ownership.

Their inheritance will probably be worthless. Years ago the Nueva Rumasa founder gave his sons the companies belonging to it, and the only thing left is the €2 billion he had hoped to get from the government as compensation for the expropriation of Rumasa, but that is most improbable - he has been claiming it for 30 years already.

Adela and her mother, Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos (foto:elmundo)

Separately, the family of Ruiz Mateos has been legally prevented from cremating him until the result of a paternity suit is resolved. A girl called Adela María Montesdeoca, whose mother is Mexican and who lives in Chicago brought the case in the hope of recognition before Ruiz Mateos died. He had cut off all communication with them and they will presumably not inherit anything.

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