
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Sherry and the Social Networks

Domingo Díaz wrote an excellent piece in today’s Diario de Jerez about how in this day and age we are lost if we are not connected to the social networks. Some people of a “certain age” think that all this is for the youth of today, but it isn’t. While these forms of communication are fun, they have also become necessary, but we need to understand how to use them. We need to be out there in the real world and stay in touch with our friends, our family - and our business.

The electronic world is here, like it or not, and we have to make the most of it. There is much more to it than “selfies,” tweeting on the train, liking something on Facebook or just having a website. It is about communicating ideas, getting in touch with people – whom you might not even know – and it is immediate. Just walk down the street and look how many people are gazing at “devices.”

So this brings me to the point. If you have a website, it MUST be up to date. Any new products, gold medals won etc MUST be there. People wanting information will look at the website or at a Twitter/Facebook etc page and be disappointed and put off if the information is not there. This is, after all the "information age". Many products nowadays have QR codes on the label which take the consumer directly via their mobile phone to the producer’s website for more information – and hopefully this will attract a new customer. As long as the information is up to date.

Please, therefore, can some of the Sherry bodegas do something to update their sites? Some are excellent but many are either out of date or lacking information. It might  require a full-time person to do the job, but their salary could be covered by increased interest in the product - and sales of it. Let’s get Sherry into the XXI century. After all, the youth of today are our future consumers - and we need them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great post, i find it very interesting and very well thought out and put together. I look forward to reading your work in the future. wholesale smm panel
