
Monday 22 June 2015

Manzanilla I Think

The other day I had dinner at home with my friend Roberto, who runs Edinburgh's fantastic Goya 23 Spanish deli. We had a couple of half bottles of Manzanilla I Think from Equipo Navazos which I had managed to obtain: a 2010 bottling and a 2014 bottling, and we decided to compare them. Roberto took a picture which he sent out on Twitter asking "which won?" This received a torrent of replies asking which did win, so here is the answer. Both!

In the following two posts you will find the tasting notes. The previous 2010 notes were published three years ago, and make an interesting comparison with those below as to how the wine is evolving. All three wines were classic Manzanillas and had the characteristics of the same stable, La Guita. The 2010 was superb, and proves beyond doubt how well Manzanilla can evolve in bottle - like any fine wine. It was softer, rounder and much more complex, while the 2014 was more akin to the 2010 three years ago, zippier and more racy, but equally delicious. It all just goes to show that good wine is a living thing and is always extremely interesting at any stage of its development.

Please also see notes on the Saca de abril 2012 which turned up a week or two later. Also seriously interesting and with a strong common denominator.

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