
Saturday 6 June 2015

Amontillado 19% Pedro's Almacenista Selection

Pale golden amber with golden glints, legs.
Light and fairly young, not particularly forthcoming, with a hint of sweetness yet a trace of background flor bitterness, almond essence, Madeira cake, slight notes of raisin and wood, fresh, balanced and quite attractive.
Still quite glyceric but balanced out by a certain tang, a hint of bitterness from the flor still remains, but very much an Amontillado. Light but has good presence and length with a trace of wood tannin. A very good wine for everyday drinking.
This is a special bottling for retailer Majestic who had the great idea of commissioning Peter (Pedro) Dauthieu of Viniberia to source them a range of quality Sherry. The Amontillado is made by Garcia Jarana, a small Almacenista in Jerez (who also supplies Lustau with Almacenista wine). The wine has a youthful complexity and I imagine it might come from a criadera at maybe 8-10 years old. It was bottled by Sanchez Romate at the end of 2013. The labels on this range are taken from old Fiesta de la Vendimia posters, this one being from 1955.
£ 10,99 only available from Majestic

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