
Wednesday 10 June 2015

10.6.15 American Restaurant Wins VI Copa Jerez

15 Romolo of the Basque Hotel, North Beach, San Francisco convinced the judges in Jerez yesterday with three assured and sophisticated dishes perfectly matched with Sherry. Chef Michelle Matthews and sommelier Ian J Adams served a starter of langoustines lightly poached in marinade with shavings of mojama (salt-cured tuna) infused with a consommé of tomato with saffron dressed with oil and chives accompanied by Manzanilla Pasada Pastrana by Hidalgo La Gitana.

For the main course they served fresh pasta stuffed with grilled sweetbreads, roast porcini and demisec of beef infused with licorice with a creamy purée of Jerusalem artichoke and shavings of black truffle accompanied by Amontillado Gutiérrez Colosía. Their dessert was a semifreddo of toasted orange and Marcona almonds with chocolate cream infused with Amontillado dressed with flakes of sea salt accompanied by Palo Cortado VORS Apóstoles by González Byass.

It all started yesterday at 10.00 and took seven hours for everyone to prepare their dishes and have them judged at the Atalaya catering school in Jerez, where in parallel with the Copa Jerez there was an International Salon of Gastronomy. Here leading Andalusian chefs showed the latest trends in food and there were wine and food matching workshops and Sherry tastings from some 20 bodegas.

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