
Tuesday 5 May 2015

5.5.15 International Wine Challenge Awards for Sherry

This year’s awards have seen success for Fernando de Castilla. The bodega picked up a Commended for their Fino en Rama, Gold for thir Palo Cortado Antique and Silver for the Oloroso Classic along with Commended for their Don Fernando Fino and Gold for Don Fernando Oloroso, both bottled for Marks & Spencer. Also in the awards were Luis Caballero with the wines they bottle for Morrisons winning Gold (Amontillado), Silver (Pale Cream) and Bronze (Cream, Fino).  Emilio Lustau bottle Morrisons Signature Sherries, for which they won Silver for the Palo Cortado, Manzanilla, Oloroso and PX. Lastly Barbadillo won Commended for the Tesco Finest Manzanilla.

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