
Thursday 28 May 2015

28.5.15 New Sherry Promotion Centre Opens at Consejo

The Centro de Dinamización Enoturistica del Marco – or the Consejo’s wine tourism centre – has now opened. With the Consejo turning 80 years old it was time for a facelift and to project a more modern image. The ground floor of the building will act as a great shop window for Sherry, Brandy and Vinegar where visitors can get the necessary information to plan visits to bodegas or the Rutas del Vino. All the Consejo leaflets and the tasting kit will be available for sale here.

The grand opening of the centre (foto: reporterosjerez)
On one wall there is a simulation of a stack of butts with glass touchscreens offering tourist information, and on the facing wall there are shelves laden with examples of the Sherries, brandies and vinegars available. There is another, similarly styled area, in which tastings tutorials and food matching can be done, a place for Sherry education. The adjacent bodega of San Ginés has seen improvements to its lighting and PA system and will serve to complement the new space with seasonal exhibitions and events. This is the ideal first stop for visitors to Jerez.

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