
Saturday 23 May 2015

23.5.15 Medals for Sherry; Palo Cortado Film

Here are the Sommelier Wine Awards Results for Sherry:

Hidalgo La Gitana: Manzanilla Pasada Pastrana won a Gold and  La Gitana a Commended

Grupo Estévez: Manzanilla La Guita won Gold and Leyenda PX won Silver

Fernando de Castilla: Antique Palo Cortado Gold, Silver for Antique PX Antique Fino and Classic Oloroso, and a Commended for Classic Fino

Sánchez Romate: Bella Luna PX won Gold and the Amontillado and Fino won Silver

Rodriguez La-Cave (Delgado Zuleta): Commended for Manzanilla Barbiana

Lustau: Commended for Fino La Ina

The documentary film El Misterio del Palo Cortado is to be shown at last in Jerez. After great success at the film festivals of Berlin, Sofia, Buenos Aires, Málaga, Barcelona and Madrid, the film will be shown at the Sala Compañia on the 28th and 30th of this month. Afterwards, the film will continue on its journey to film festivals at Seattle, Edinburgh and Montreal. The producer, Antonio Saura, said that it will help awaken the world to Sherry and that many more film festivals are interested, not only for the quality of the film, but that of Sherry itself.

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