
Thursday 23 April 2015

23.4.15 Tio Pepe en Rama 2015 is Launched

The 6th edition of this outstanding Fino is now available.  The presentation was made by González Byass chief winemaker, Antonio Flores and the firm’s vice president Pedro Rebuelta, on Monday at the Casa Palacio Guardiola in the historic centre of Sevilla, and timed to coincide with Sevilla’s most important event: the Feria de Abril. He pronounced the wine “pura vida” (pure life).

Like last year, the selection was made from the two oldest Tio Pepe soleras. The Rebollo solera is in the cellar originally built to store wine for Tio Pepe (the founder’s uncle Joe) 150 years ago, and has a dark and humid atmosphere perfect for flor, giving an intense wine bursting with the acetaldehyde aromas of almonds and yeast. This was the original Tio Pepe. The La Constancia solera in the firm’s earliest bodega, dating from the mid XIX century, offers a more elegant style with texture and finesse. The two make the perfect blend.

From an initial selection of 600 butts, 100 were selected for the short list back in October. After constant monitoring over the winter months, Antonio Flores selected the 60 butts with the healthiest flor at the beginning of April. The winter was reasonably mild and so the flor was remarkably stable, making Antonio’s selection all the harder. This is the third year running when the bottling was carried out – en rama - in April instead of May, as there is still the freshness of spring. This year’s label comes, as usual, from the archives of the Fundación González Byass.

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