
Monday 30 March 2015

30.3.15 A Brewery in Jerez; Unusual new Wine Bar in Barbate

“Catarte”, the Company owned by master brewer and winemaker Jaime Pindado, has opened right in the centre of Jerez, in the Calle San Marcos. This is the city’s first craft brewery. The beers will be branded “La Jerezana” and individual brews will be named after Flamenco styles such as Bulería, Alegría or Fandango according to the raw materials used. The brewery has space dedicated to education, talks and tastings for the general public and also for the sale of equipment for home brewing.

 “El Relojero de Jerez” is the brainchild of Jerez couple Juan Manuel and Nuria. He spent 18 years working with clocks and felt like a change, so they decided to open a wine bar in Caños de Meca, a popular tourist resort on the coast at Barbate, not far from Jerez. Despite the doubts of many, they converted a garage into a wine bar where you can buy a glass or fill a bottle, and in no time the locals and tourists found this to be a great regular meeting place.

Nuria & Juan Manuel: well-priced Amontillado! (foto:lavozdigital)

The barrels contain Fino, Mosto, Manzanilla, Amontillado, Vermouth, Cream and Pedro Ximénez. As many people try the wine before buying, they felt they should offer some food to avoid wine on an empty stomach and provide butifarras and morcilla (sausages and black pudding) as well as ham, tuna, cheese and mojama (cured tuna). Customers can buy wine to take away and or drink there in among the oak barrels and old clocks. The address is: Despacho de Vino El Relojero de Jerez, Avenida Trafalgar, 94, Caños de Meca, Barbate.

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