
Thursday 18 December 2014

Moscatel Lerchundi 17%, Luis Caballero

Deep amber colour with hints of burnt sienna to yellow at the rim, very viscous.
Rich fat ripe fruity Moscatel, slightly floral, musky, figs, confectionery, raisins, a certain seriousness imparted by age but not woody, more exuberant.
Luscious and fruity, some light pulpy texture, clean and fresh if very viscous, raisins and figs, full and long and despite the sweetness there is a freshening balancing acidity typical of Moscatel. Good.
Made from Moscatel grapes grown in the Caballero vineyard Las Cruces in Chipiona. The grapes are sun-dried for over a week and the wine is made as a mistela (where alcohol is added to the juice and fermentation is not carried out). It is then aged fairly briefly in the solera system. The wine is named after a Franciscan monk, Padre Lerchundi, who was well respected for what he did for the people of Chipiona and was made a "Hijo Predilecto" (honoured son) of the town in 1892.
This sells for 6-7 euros in Spain, but unfortunately not in the UK.

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