
Friday 7 November 2014

Amontillado 19%, Herederos de Argüeso

Reddy-gold tinted amber to yellow at rim, legs.
Crisp and fresh, plenty of hazelnuts, hints of walnut, quite rounded and with obvious sanluqueño notes of seaside and flor salinity. Not particularly old, but bright, characterful and fresh.
On the lighter side, again, dry with that crisp freshness but develops nicely with growing complexity and intensity with all the nuts, a slight whiff of resin and a trace of wood. A very natural wine with its heart on its sleeve, a trace of austerity is just balanced with enough glycerol. Very good.
This Amontillado is about 10 years old, according to the bodega website, and is very good for such a young age. According to Peter Liem it is 15 years old, with 5 under flor, which sounds more likely. It is, of course, made from Manzanilla, hence its marine characteristics.
In Spain this retails for about 8 Euros, but while the Manzanilla San León is available from Eaux de Vie in the UK, most of the range is not. Goodness knows why.

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