
Saturday 13 September 2014

Oloroso Abocado Cristina 17.5%, Gonzalez Byass

Deepish amber/mahogany through to yellow, legs.
Light and soft, young and fresh, less intense than Cream and less sweet, traces of toasted nuts, caramel, toffee, fig and some slightly spicy cinnamon and wood notes. The wine comes out through the sweetness, which can mask the aromas.
Medium-sweet lightish nutty Oloroso with nicely balanced sweetness, hints of dried fruit and traces of spice, quite light, of no great age, but certainly has some charm and character, an elegant wine for everyday.
Very pleasant when slightly chilled for sipping while watching Wimbledon for example. Oloroso and PX are vinified separately and later blended after which the blend runs through the Cristina solera for 7 years, so the wine will be just short of 10 years old. It consists of 87% Palomino (oloroso) and 13% PX, with 50g/l sugars.
This wine doesn't seem to be available in the UK - GB UK don't list it. Sorry.

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