
Tuesday 30 September 2014

30.9.14 Update on Film on British in Jerez

Here is the latest on the documentary about the British in Jerez. Filming is currently taking place in Jerez. The motivation for the film was the city’s election as European City of Wine, and the project is in the capable hands of veteran Andalusian filmmaker Nonio Parejo.

The British have had a strong presence in the Sherry zone since the XV century, but especially in the XIX, leaving a profound mark not only on the wine trade, but also leaving certain customs such as clay pigeon shooting, football, tennis, polo and horse racing.

The British community had its own cemetery and a chapel, since most were English Anglicans, and a vice consulate was established in the XIX century.  Many of their names live on in one form or another: Garvey, Sandeman, Williams & Humbert, Wisdom & Warter, MacKenzie, Ivison, Terry, O’Neale, Gordon, Davies, Gilbey, Suter, Ferguson, Osborne etcetera.

Nonio Parejo (top left) interviews Jose Luis Jimenez (foto + Jerez)
It is surprising, however, that this aspect of the trade has not been studied in any depth, so the documentary will look at providing information with new contributions from experts, historians, researchers, historians, bodegueros and family members. Nonio Parejo will be counting on assistance from local academic and contributor to Mas Jerez, Jose Luis Jimenez.

This new documentary, which has a duration of an hour, is related to one Parejo made in 2009 called ”The English in Rio Tinto”. He began making documentary films in 1976 and has produced great work, above all his series dedicated to Andalucia for Canal Sur TV.

Translated from an article by Jose Luis Jimenez in Mas Jerez.

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