
Friday 19 September 2014

18.9.14 Great Sherry Tasting Huge Success; Sherry Festival 2014

The Great Sherry Tasting held in London on Monday has been a great success. Organised by the Consejo Regulador and Fedejerez, over 300 members of the wine trade, catering trade and press attended the biggest Sherry tasting ever. No fewer than 203 wines were shown.

(foto: mas jerez)
Beltran Domecq, Consejo president, presided and gave three masterclasses, which were so popular that the capacity needed to be doubled, while many wines were shown in Britain for the first time. Such is the interest in this tasting that it is now the most important Sherry event in the world, firmly in the UK wine trade calendar. The UK now boasts 28 importers of 40 bodegas.

The forthcoming Sherry Festival was announced at the Great Sherry tasting, and will take place between the 17th October and the 2nd of November throughout the UK. Wine merchants, wine bars and restaurants will be promoting Sherry in an extensive campaign of promotions and tastings aimed at spreading Sherry culture and promoting sales.

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