
Monday 2 June 2014

Oloroso Alfonso 18%, Gonzalez Byass

Red tints in polished golden mahogany, fading to yellowy gold, legs.
Forthcoming with dry walnut notes, hints of American oak and the slightest trace of cinnamon. There are further aromas of wine-filled barrels in the bodega, traces of earth and strands of orange peel in marmalade. Not a particularly old wine but it has developed some character and was definitely heading in the right direction till it was bottled. A good Oloroso nose.
Medium to full bodied with hallmark glyceric walnut notes. There is a hint of tannin and marked American oak notes: spice, vanilla, then hints of cinnamon and nutmeg, and one wonders if this has been in comparatively young butts (they have to age as well as the wine). Nonetheless, this is a really nice wine and that adds to its character, a typical Oloroso and just ready for game or mature cheese.
This wine is about 10 years old
8 Euros in Spain, available in the UK for @ £13.00 from various retailers. Importers: Gonzalez Byass UK

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