
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Manzanilla Viva la Pepa 15%, Sanchez Romate

Very pale silvery strawy gold, some legs.
Light and fresh with saline seaside notes. Lots of camomile, bread dough and bitter-sweet flor, traces of almost candied fruit and traces of almost seaweedy brine.
Slightly fuller than expected, very fresh and racy with slightly more acidity than some. Very dry with floral almondy notes, its youth is there to be seen in that slight fruity character, but is part of its charm. Very persistent and far too easy to drink.
There can be no more Gaditano name than this! La Pepa was the familiar name given to the Constitution of Cadiz in 1812, and is, of course, also a familiar name for a girl called Josefa, who perhaps is the subject of the wonderful old label. {Fernando A de Terry also once had a Manzanilla Viva la Pepa, but we won't go into that}. This wine is bought in from Sanlucar almacenista Cuevas and bottled in Jerez. Most Jerez bodegas have pretty small sales of Manzanilla, but like to list it, so this is the one Romate sell. And it is very good, given that it is not much more than 3 years old.
Not shipped to the UK, but around 6-10 Euros in Spain.

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