
Tuesday 24 June 2014

24.6.14 Sherryfest San Francisco Huge Success

The V Sherryfest in the USA has closed after enormous success. San Francisco hosted the festival between the 17th and 20th of this month, and was awash with seminars, tastings and food matching with Sherry at the heart, showing just how versatile it is.

Sherryfest began in 2012 in New York, the brainchild of wine writer Peter Liem, who said that the San Francisco event was an unprecedented success, the most successful so far and has awoken a real thirst for Sherry.

Beltran Domecq giving a seminar (foto Consejo Regulador)
The Grand Tasting hosted over 500 professionals who had the opportunity to taste 140 brands by the hand of their representatives or even oenologists. Such was the public uptake that pre-booking had to close long before the event. In the words of Beltran Domecq, president of the Consejo, who gave one of the seminars, “Sherryfest is a magnificent example of the interest that these great wines are inspiring in professionals from all over the world. It is very satisfying to have such a professional – and young – audience which feels true admiration for the quality we produce and for Sherry’s great worldwide gastronomic potential.”

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